Han Ay Lie

Professor of Structural and Material Engineering at Diponegoro University

Yanuar Haryanto

Yanuar Haryanto


Nama Lengkap(dengan gelar) Yanuar Haryanto, S.T., M.Eng
Jenis Kelamin Laki – laki
Jabatan Fungsional Lektor Kepala
NIP 198101172005011001
NIDN 0017018101
Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir BANJARNEGARA / 17-01-1981
E-mail [email protected]
No Telp / HP 085647792385
Alamat Kantor Jl Mayjen Sungkono KM 5 Blater Purbalingga
No Telp / Faks (0281) 6569700
Mata Kuliah yang diampu Analisis Struktur Metode Matriks Struktur Baja, Mekanika Bahan, Struktur Baja Lanjut, Rekayasa Bangunan Tahan Gempa Analisis, Struktur II, Desain Plastis, Metode Elemen Hingga, Struktur Beton


The Detail Information for Important Conference Publications

Index / Rank Authors Title Name of Proceeding
Yanuar Haryanto, Ay Lie Han, Hsuan-Teh Hu, Banu Hardi Hidayat, Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno On the Prediction of Flexural Performance of RC Beams Strengthened with External Steel Wire Ropes: A Numerical Study Fourteenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology & Eleventh International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology 2021 (Submitted)
Banu Ardi Hidayat, Fu-Pei Hsiao, Hsuan-Teh Hu, Ay Lie Han, Yanuar Haryanto, Lisha Gineli Sosa Finite Element Analysis of a Half-Scale Three-story Reinforced Concrete Structure Subjected to Seismic Load Fourteenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology & Eleventh International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology 2021 (Submitted)
Yanuar Haryanto, Hsuan-Teh Hu, Ay Lie Han, Banu Hardi Hidayat, Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno Behavior and Failure Modes of Bamboo-Strengthened Concrete Beams using Different Cement-Based Bonding Agent: Experimental and FEA Study Ninth International Conference on Engineering Failure and Analysis 2021 (Submitted)
Banu Ardi Hidayat, Fu-Pei Hsiao, Hsuan-Teh Hu,, Ay Lie Han, Yanuar Haryanto, Panapa Pita Investigation on the seismic failure of non-ductile reinforced concrete columns and beam-column joints using finite element analysis   Ninth International Conference on Engineering Failure and Analysis 2021 (Submitted)
Yanuar Haryanto, Hsuan-Teh Hu, Ay Lie Han, Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno, Banu Hardi Hidayat Validating Analytical Method to Predict Flexural Behavior of T-Section RC Beams Strengthened with Bonded Steel Wire Rope in the Negative Moment Region Thrid International Conference on Concrete Sustainability (fib ICCS21) (Accepted)
  Banu Ardi Hidayat, Hsuan-Teh Hu, Fu-Pei Shio, Ay Lie Han, Yanuar Haryanto Flexural behavior of artificial lightweight aggregate concrete reinforced by carpet waste fiber   Thrid International Conference on Concrete Sustainability (fib ICCS21) (Accepted)
Yanuar Haryanto, Arnie Widyaningrum, Esya Alfidiah, Banu Ardi Hidayat FEMA 310 Tier 1 Seismic Evaluation of Existing Building: A Case Study of a 7-Story Academic RC Building of Jenderal Soedirman University, Indonesia International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovative Researches 2020 (In Editing)
Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno, Yanuar Haryanto, Gathot Heri Sudibyo, Agus Maryoto Load-Carrying Capacity and Failure Mode of Composite Steel-Concrete Truss Element under Monotonic Loading International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovative Researches 2020 (In Editing)
Banu Ardi Hidayat, Yanuar Haryanto, Nuroji, Sukamta, Wisnu Kurnia Praja Capacity-Based Seismic Design of A Middle-Rise Residential Building in Moderately-High Seismicity Area International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovative Researches 2020 (In Editing)
Scopus Yanuar Haryanto*, Hsuan-Teh Hu, Han Ay Lie, Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno, Gathot Heri Sudibyo, Banu Ardi Hidayat, Khoimatun Naqiyah Precast Segmental Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Beams with Bolted Connections Subjected to Flexural Loads: An Experimental Investigation     IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 615 (2019) 012070
Scopus Banu Ardi Hidayat, Hsuan-Teh Hu, Ay Lie Han, Yanuar Haryanto*, Arnie Widyaningrum, Gandjar Pamudji Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Traditional Flexural Strengthening using Betung Bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper) on Concrete Beams IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 615 (2019) 012073
Scopus Arnie Widyaningrum, Yanuar Haryanto*, Gathot Heri Sudibyo, Nor Intang Setyo Hermanto Seismic Performance of the Inpatient Building of Goeteng Hospital, Purbalingga, Indonesia Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1367 (2019) 012085
Scopus Arnie Widyaningrum, Yanuar Haryanto*, Nor Intang Setyo Hermanto A structural performance evaluation of vertical housing model due to the increased seismic loads in Semarang, Indonesia using a pushover analysis  Matec Web of Conferences 195, 02018 (2018)
Scopus Anggun Tri Atmajayanti*, Chrisyanto Daniel Saragih, Yanuar Haryanto   The effect of recycled coarse aggregate (RCA) with surface treatment on concrete mechanical properties   Matec Web of Conferences 195, 01017 (2018)
Scopus Yanuar Haryanto*, Buntara Sthenly Gan, Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno, Eva Wahyu Indiyati Seismic performance of a high-rise residential building model in Purwokerto, Indonesia   Matec Web of Conferences 192, 02002 (2018)
Scopus Yanuar Haryanto*, Gathot Heri Sudibyo, Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno   Experimental Study on the Properties of Artificial Lightweight Aggregate Concrete Reinforced with Carpet Waste Fiber  IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 371 (2018) 012006  
Scopus Yanuar Haryanto*, Arnie Widyaningrum, Gathot Heri Sudibyo, Agus Maryoto Mechanical properties of lightweight aggregate concrete reinforced with soda can waste fibre Matec Web of Conferences 138, 01021 (2017)
Scopus Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno*, Yanuar Haryanto, Sumiyanto Flexural strength of walls made of hollow core concrete brick using various notch models as the interlocking device  Matec Web of Conferences 138, 01011 (2017)
Scopus Yanuar Haryanto*, Nor Intang Setyo Hermanto, Gandjar Pamudji, Kurniawan Pitta Wardana Compressive strength and modulus of elasticity of concrete with cubed waste tire rubbers as coarse aggregates  IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 267 (2017) 012016
Scopus Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno*, Yanuar Haryanto, Gathot Heri Sudibyo Flexural Behaviour of Precast Hollow Core Slab Using PVC Pipe and Styrofoam with Different Reinforcement Procedia Engineering   171  (2017)  909-916
Scopus Yanuar Haryanto*, Gathot Heri Sudibyo, Franissca Cynthia Angelina Effendi Preliminary Seismic Hazard Assessment of the Oral and Dental Hospital of Jenderal Soedirman University Indonesia Procedia Engineering 171 (2017) 1025-1034


Research Abstract and Preliminary Result

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Nama Lengkap(dengan gelar) Yanuar Haryanto, S.T., M.Eng
Jenis Kelamin Laki - laki
Jabatan Fungsional Lektor Kepala
NIP 198101172005011001
NIDN 0017018101
Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir BANJARNEGARA / 17-01-1981
E-mail [email protected]
No Telp / HP 085647792385
Alamat Kantor Jl Mayjen Sungkono KM 5 Blater Purbalingga
No Telp / Faks (0281) 6569700
Mata Kuliah yang diampu Analisis Struktur Metode Matriks Struktur Baja, Mekanika Bahan, Struktur Baja Lanjut, Rekayasa Bangunan Tahan Gempa Analisis, Struktur II, Desain Plastis, Metode Elemen Hingga, Struktur Beton


The Detail Information for Important Conference Publications

Index / Rank Authors Title Name of Proceeding
- Yanuar Haryanto, Ay Lie Han, Hsuan-Teh Hu, Banu Hardi Hidayat, Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno On the Prediction of Flexural Performance of RC Beams Strengthened with External Steel Wire Ropes: A Numerical Study Fourteenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology & Eleventh International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology 2021 (Submitted)
- Banu Ardi Hidayat, Fu-Pei Hsiao, Hsuan-Teh Hu, Ay Lie Han, Yanuar Haryanto, Lisha Gineli Sosa Finite Element Analysis of a Half-Scale Three-story Reinforced Concrete Structure Subjected to Seismic Load Fourteenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology & Eleventh International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology 2021 (Submitted)
- Yanuar Haryanto, Hsuan-Teh Hu, Ay Lie Han, Banu Hardi Hidayat, Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno Behavior and Failure Modes of Bamboo-Strengthened Concrete Beams using Different Cement-Based Bonding Agent: Experimental and FEA Study Ninth International Conference on Engineering Failure and Analysis 2021 (Submitted)
- Banu Ardi Hidayat, Fu-Pei Hsiao, Hsuan-Teh Hu,, Ay Lie Han, Yanuar Haryanto, Panapa Pita Investigation on the seismic failure of non-ductile reinforced concrete columns and beam-column joints using finite element analysis   Ninth International Conference on Engineering Failure and Analysis 2021 (Submitted)
- Yanuar Haryanto, Hsuan-Teh Hu, Ay Lie Han, Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno, Banu Hardi Hidayat Validating Analytical Method to Predict Flexural Behavior of T-Section RC Beams Strengthened with Bonded Steel Wire Rope in the Negative Moment Region Thrid International Conference on Concrete Sustainability (fib ICCS21) (Accepted)
  Banu Ardi Hidayat, Hsuan-Teh Hu, Fu-Pei Shio, Ay Lie Han, Yanuar Haryanto Flexural behavior of artificial lightweight aggregate concrete reinforced by carpet waste fiber   Thrid International Conference on Concrete Sustainability (fib ICCS21) (Accepted)
- Yanuar Haryanto, Arnie Widyaningrum, Esya Alfidiah, Banu Ardi Hidayat FEMA 310 Tier 1 Seismic Evaluation of Existing Building: A Case Study of a 7-Story Academic RC Building of Jenderal Soedirman University, Indonesia International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovative Researches 2020 (In Editing)
- Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno, Yanuar Haryanto, Gathot Heri Sudibyo, Agus Maryoto Load-Carrying Capacity and Failure Mode of Composite Steel-Concrete Truss Element under Monotonic Loading International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovative Researches 2020 (In Editing)
- Banu Ardi Hidayat, Yanuar Haryanto, Nuroji, Sukamta, Wisnu Kurnia Praja Capacity-Based Seismic Design of A Middle-Rise Residential Building in Moderately-High Seismicity Area International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovative Researches 2020 (In Editing)
Scopus Yanuar Haryanto*, Hsuan-Teh Hu, Han Ay Lie, Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno, Gathot Heri Sudibyo, Banu Ardi Hidayat, Khoimatun Naqiyah Precast Segmental Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Beams with Bolted Connections Subjected to Flexural Loads: An Experimental Investigation     IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 615 (2019) 012070
Scopus Banu Ardi Hidayat, Hsuan-Teh Hu, Ay Lie Han, Yanuar Haryanto*, Arnie Widyaningrum, Gandjar Pamudji Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Traditional Flexural Strengthening using Betung Bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper) on Concrete Beams IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 615 (2019) 012073
Scopus Arnie Widyaningrum, Yanuar Haryanto*, Gathot Heri Sudibyo, Nor Intang Setyo Hermanto Seismic Performance of the Inpatient Building of Goeteng Hospital, Purbalingga, Indonesia Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1367 (2019) 012085
Scopus Arnie Widyaningrum, Yanuar Haryanto*, Nor Intang Setyo Hermanto A structural performance evaluation of vertical housing model due to the increased seismic loads in Semarang, Indonesia using a pushover analysis  Matec Web of Conferences 195, 02018 (2018)
Scopus Anggun Tri Atmajayanti*, Chrisyanto Daniel Saragih, Yanuar Haryanto   The effect of recycled coarse aggregate (RCA) with surface treatment on concrete mechanical properties   Matec Web of Conferences 195, 01017 (2018)
Scopus Yanuar Haryanto*, Buntara Sthenly Gan, Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno, Eva Wahyu Indiyati Seismic performance of a high-rise residential building model in Purwokerto, Indonesia   Matec Web of Conferences 192, 02002 (2018)
Scopus Yanuar Haryanto*, Gathot Heri Sudibyo, Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno   Experimental Study on the Properties of Artificial Lightweight Aggregate Concrete Reinforced with Carpet Waste Fiber  IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 371 (2018) 012006  
Scopus Yanuar Haryanto*, Arnie Widyaningrum, Gathot Heri Sudibyo, Agus Maryoto Mechanical properties of lightweight aggregate concrete reinforced with soda can waste fibre Matec Web of Conferences 138, 01021 (2017)
Scopus Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno*, Yanuar Haryanto, Sumiyanto Flexural strength of walls made of hollow core concrete brick using various notch models as the interlocking device  Matec Web of Conferences 138, 01011 (2017)
Scopus Yanuar Haryanto*, Nor Intang Setyo Hermanto, Gandjar Pamudji, Kurniawan Pitta Wardana Compressive strength and modulus of elasticity of concrete with cubed waste tire rubbers as coarse aggregates  IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 267 (2017) 012016
Scopus Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno*, Yanuar Haryanto, Gathot Heri Sudibyo Flexural Behaviour of Precast Hollow Core Slab Using PVC Pipe and Styrofoam with Different Reinforcement Procedia Engineering   171  (2017)  909-916
Scopus Yanuar Haryanto*, Gathot Heri Sudibyo, Franissca Cynthia Angelina Effendi Preliminary Seismic Hazard Assessment of the Oral and Dental Hospital of Jenderal Soedirman University Indonesia Procedia Engineering 171 (2017) 1025-1034


Research Abstract and Preliminary Result

Attachment Important Works

Research Abstract and Preliminary Result

Attachment Important Works

Han Ay Lie