Yanuar Haryanto
Nama Lengkap(dengan gelar) | Yanuar Haryanto, S.T., M.Eng |
Jenis Kelamin | Laki – laki |
Jabatan Fungsional | Lektor Kepala |
NIP | 198101172005011001 |
NIDN | 0017018101 |
Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir | BANJARNEGARA / 17-01-1981 |
[email protected] | |
No Telp / HP | 085647792385 |
Alamat Kantor | Jl Mayjen Sungkono KM 5 Blater Purbalingga |
No Telp / Faks | (0281) 6569700 |
Mata Kuliah yang diampu | Analisis Struktur Metode Matriks Struktur Baja, Mekanika Bahan, Struktur Baja Lanjut, Rekayasa Bangunan Tahan Gempa Analisis, Struktur II, Desain Plastis, Metode Elemen Hingga, Struktur Beton |
The Detail Information for Important Conference Publications
Index / Rank | Authors | Title | Name of Proceeding |
– | Yanuar Haryanto, Ay Lie Han, Hsuan-Teh Hu, Banu Hardi Hidayat, Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno | On the Prediction of Flexural Performance of RC Beams Strengthened with External Steel Wire Ropes: A Numerical Study | Fourteenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology & Eleventh International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology 2021 (Submitted) |
– | Banu Ardi Hidayat, Fu-Pei Hsiao, Hsuan-Teh Hu, Ay Lie Han, Yanuar Haryanto, Lisha Gineli Sosa | Finite Element Analysis of a Half-Scale Three-story Reinforced Concrete Structure Subjected to Seismic Load | Fourteenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology & Eleventh International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology 2021 (Submitted) |
– | Yanuar Haryanto, Hsuan-Teh Hu, Ay Lie Han, Banu Hardi Hidayat, Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno | Behavior and Failure Modes of Bamboo-Strengthened Concrete Beams using Different Cement-Based Bonding Agent: Experimental and FEA Study | Ninth International Conference on Engineering Failure and Analysis 2021 (Submitted) |
– | Banu Ardi Hidayat, Fu-Pei Hsiao, Hsuan-Teh Hu,, Ay Lie Han, Yanuar Haryanto, Panapa Pita | Investigation on the seismic failure of non-ductile reinforced concrete columns and beam-column joints using finite element analysis | Ninth International Conference on Engineering Failure and Analysis 2021 (Submitted) |
– | Yanuar Haryanto, Hsuan-Teh Hu, Ay Lie Han, Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno, Banu Hardi Hidayat | Validating Analytical Method to Predict Flexural Behavior of T-Section RC Beams Strengthened with Bonded Steel Wire Rope in the Negative Moment Region | Thrid International Conference on Concrete Sustainability (fib ICCS21) (Accepted) |
Banu Ardi Hidayat, Hsuan-Teh Hu, Fu-Pei Shio, Ay Lie Han, Yanuar Haryanto | Flexural behavior of artificial lightweight aggregate concrete reinforced by carpet waste fiber | Thrid International Conference on Concrete Sustainability (fib ICCS21) (Accepted) | |
– | Yanuar Haryanto, Arnie Widyaningrum, Esya Alfidiah, Banu Ardi Hidayat | FEMA 310 Tier 1 Seismic Evaluation of Existing Building: A Case Study of a 7-Story Academic RC Building of Jenderal Soedirman University, Indonesia | International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovative Researches 2020 (In Editing) |
– | Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno, Yanuar Haryanto, Gathot Heri Sudibyo, Agus Maryoto | Load-Carrying Capacity and Failure Mode of Composite Steel-Concrete Truss Element under Monotonic Loading | International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovative Researches 2020 (In Editing) |
– | Banu Ardi Hidayat, Yanuar Haryanto, Nuroji, Sukamta, Wisnu Kurnia Praja | Capacity-Based Seismic Design of A Middle-Rise Residential Building in Moderately-High Seismicity Area | International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovative Researches 2020 (In Editing) |
Scopus | Yanuar Haryanto*, Hsuan-Teh Hu, Han Ay Lie, Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno, Gathot Heri Sudibyo, Banu Ardi Hidayat, Khoimatun Naqiyah | Precast Segmental Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Beams with Bolted Connections Subjected to Flexural Loads: An Experimental Investigation | IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 615 (2019) 012070 |
Scopus | Banu Ardi Hidayat, Hsuan-Teh Hu, Ay Lie Han, Yanuar Haryanto*, Arnie Widyaningrum, Gandjar Pamudji | Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Traditional Flexural Strengthening using Betung Bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper) on Concrete Beams | IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 615 (2019) 012073 |
Scopus | Arnie Widyaningrum, Yanuar Haryanto*, Gathot Heri Sudibyo, Nor Intang Setyo Hermanto | Seismic Performance of the Inpatient Building of Goeteng Hospital, Purbalingga, Indonesia | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1367 (2019) 012085 |
Scopus | Arnie Widyaningrum, Yanuar Haryanto*, Nor Intang Setyo Hermanto | A structural performance evaluation of vertical housing model due to the increased seismic loads in Semarang, Indonesia using a pushover analysis | Matec Web of Conferences 195, 02018 (2018) |
Scopus | Anggun Tri Atmajayanti*, Chrisyanto Daniel Saragih, Yanuar Haryanto | The effect of recycled coarse aggregate (RCA) with surface treatment on concrete mechanical properties | Matec Web of Conferences 195, 01017 (2018) |
Scopus | Yanuar Haryanto*, Buntara Sthenly Gan, Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno, Eva Wahyu Indiyati | Seismic performance of a high-rise residential building model in Purwokerto, Indonesia | Matec Web of Conferences 192, 02002 (2018) |
Scopus | Yanuar Haryanto*, Gathot Heri Sudibyo, Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno | Experimental Study on the Properties of Artificial Lightweight Aggregate Concrete Reinforced with Carpet Waste Fiber | IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 371 (2018) 012006 |
Scopus | Yanuar Haryanto*, Arnie Widyaningrum, Gathot Heri Sudibyo, Agus Maryoto | Mechanical properties of lightweight aggregate concrete reinforced with soda can waste fibre | Matec Web of Conferences 138, 01021 (2017) |
Scopus | Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno*, Yanuar Haryanto, Sumiyanto | Flexural strength of walls made of hollow core concrete brick using various notch models as the interlocking device | Matec Web of Conferences 138, 01011 (2017) |
Scopus | Yanuar Haryanto*, Nor Intang Setyo Hermanto, Gandjar Pamudji, Kurniawan Pitta Wardana | Compressive strength and modulus of elasticity of concrete with cubed waste tire rubbers as coarse aggregates | IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 267 (2017) 012016 |
Scopus | Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno*, Yanuar Haryanto, Gathot Heri Sudibyo | Flexural Behaviour of Precast Hollow Core Slab Using PVC Pipe and Styrofoam with Different Reinforcement | Procedia Engineering 171 (2017) 909-916 |
Scopus | Yanuar Haryanto*, Gathot Heri Sudibyo, Franissca Cynthia Angelina Effendi | Preliminary Seismic Hazard Assessment of the Oral and Dental Hospital of Jenderal Soedirman University Indonesia | Procedia Engineering 171 (2017) 1025-1034 |
Research Abstract and Preliminary Result
Attachment Important Works
- Profile
- Publications
- CV
Nama Lengkap(dengan gelar) | Yanuar Haryanto, S.T., M.Eng |
Jenis Kelamin | Laki - laki |
Jabatan Fungsional | Lektor Kepala |
NIP | 198101172005011001 |
NIDN | 0017018101 |
Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir | BANJARNEGARA / 17-01-1981 |
[email protected] | |
No Telp / HP | 085647792385 |
Alamat Kantor | Jl Mayjen Sungkono KM 5 Blater Purbalingga |
No Telp / Faks | (0281) 6569700 |
Mata Kuliah yang diampu | Analisis Struktur Metode Matriks Struktur Baja, Mekanika Bahan, Struktur Baja Lanjut, Rekayasa Bangunan Tahan Gempa Analisis, Struktur II, Desain Plastis, Metode Elemen Hingga, Struktur Beton |
The Detail Information for Important Conference Publications
Index / Rank | Authors | Title | Name of Proceeding |
- | Yanuar Haryanto, Ay Lie Han, Hsuan-Teh Hu, Banu Hardi Hidayat, Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno | On the Prediction of Flexural Performance of RC Beams Strengthened with External Steel Wire Ropes: A Numerical Study | Fourteenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology & Eleventh International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology 2021 (Submitted) |
- | Banu Ardi Hidayat, Fu-Pei Hsiao, Hsuan-Teh Hu, Ay Lie Han, Yanuar Haryanto, Lisha Gineli Sosa | Finite Element Analysis of a Half-Scale Three-story Reinforced Concrete Structure Subjected to Seismic Load | Fourteenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology & Eleventh International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology 2021 (Submitted) |
- | Yanuar Haryanto, Hsuan-Teh Hu, Ay Lie Han, Banu Hardi Hidayat, Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno | Behavior and Failure Modes of Bamboo-Strengthened Concrete Beams using Different Cement-Based Bonding Agent: Experimental and FEA Study | Ninth International Conference on Engineering Failure and Analysis 2021 (Submitted) |
- | Banu Ardi Hidayat, Fu-Pei Hsiao, Hsuan-Teh Hu,, Ay Lie Han, Yanuar Haryanto, Panapa Pita | Investigation on the seismic failure of non-ductile reinforced concrete columns and beam-column joints using finite element analysis | Ninth International Conference on Engineering Failure and Analysis 2021 (Submitted) |
- | Yanuar Haryanto, Hsuan-Teh Hu, Ay Lie Han, Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno, Banu Hardi Hidayat | Validating Analytical Method to Predict Flexural Behavior of T-Section RC Beams Strengthened with Bonded Steel Wire Rope in the Negative Moment Region | Thrid International Conference on Concrete Sustainability (fib ICCS21) (Accepted) |
Banu Ardi Hidayat, Hsuan-Teh Hu, Fu-Pei Shio, Ay Lie Han, Yanuar Haryanto | Flexural behavior of artificial lightweight aggregate concrete reinforced by carpet waste fiber | Thrid International Conference on Concrete Sustainability (fib ICCS21) (Accepted) | |
- | Yanuar Haryanto, Arnie Widyaningrum, Esya Alfidiah, Banu Ardi Hidayat | FEMA 310 Tier 1 Seismic Evaluation of Existing Building: A Case Study of a 7-Story Academic RC Building of Jenderal Soedirman University, Indonesia | International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovative Researches 2020 (In Editing) |
- | Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno, Yanuar Haryanto, Gathot Heri Sudibyo, Agus Maryoto | Load-Carrying Capacity and Failure Mode of Composite Steel-Concrete Truss Element under Monotonic Loading | International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovative Researches 2020 (In Editing) |
- | Banu Ardi Hidayat, Yanuar Haryanto, Nuroji, Sukamta, Wisnu Kurnia Praja | Capacity-Based Seismic Design of A Middle-Rise Residential Building in Moderately-High Seismicity Area | International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovative Researches 2020 (In Editing) |
Scopus | Yanuar Haryanto*, Hsuan-Teh Hu, Han Ay Lie, Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno, Gathot Heri Sudibyo, Banu Ardi Hidayat, Khoimatun Naqiyah | Precast Segmental Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Beams with Bolted Connections Subjected to Flexural Loads: An Experimental Investigation | IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 615 (2019) 012070 |
Scopus | Banu Ardi Hidayat, Hsuan-Teh Hu, Ay Lie Han, Yanuar Haryanto*, Arnie Widyaningrum, Gandjar Pamudji | Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Traditional Flexural Strengthening using Betung Bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper) on Concrete Beams | IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 615 (2019) 012073 |
Scopus | Arnie Widyaningrum, Yanuar Haryanto*, Gathot Heri Sudibyo, Nor Intang Setyo Hermanto | Seismic Performance of the Inpatient Building of Goeteng Hospital, Purbalingga, Indonesia | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1367 (2019) 012085 |
Scopus | Arnie Widyaningrum, Yanuar Haryanto*, Nor Intang Setyo Hermanto | A structural performance evaluation of vertical housing model due to the increased seismic loads in Semarang, Indonesia using a pushover analysis | Matec Web of Conferences 195, 02018 (2018) |
Scopus | Anggun Tri Atmajayanti*, Chrisyanto Daniel Saragih, Yanuar Haryanto | The effect of recycled coarse aggregate (RCA) with surface treatment on concrete mechanical properties | Matec Web of Conferences 195, 01017 (2018) |
Scopus | Yanuar Haryanto*, Buntara Sthenly Gan, Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno, Eva Wahyu Indiyati | Seismic performance of a high-rise residential building model in Purwokerto, Indonesia | Matec Web of Conferences 192, 02002 (2018) |
Scopus | Yanuar Haryanto*, Gathot Heri Sudibyo, Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno | Experimental Study on the Properties of Artificial Lightweight Aggregate Concrete Reinforced with Carpet Waste Fiber | IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 371 (2018) 012006 |
Scopus | Yanuar Haryanto*, Arnie Widyaningrum, Gathot Heri Sudibyo, Agus Maryoto | Mechanical properties of lightweight aggregate concrete reinforced with soda can waste fibre | Matec Web of Conferences 138, 01021 (2017) |
Scopus | Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno*, Yanuar Haryanto, Sumiyanto | Flexural strength of walls made of hollow core concrete brick using various notch models as the interlocking device | Matec Web of Conferences 138, 01011 (2017) |
Scopus | Yanuar Haryanto*, Nor Intang Setyo Hermanto, Gandjar Pamudji, Kurniawan Pitta Wardana | Compressive strength and modulus of elasticity of concrete with cubed waste tire rubbers as coarse aggregates | IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 267 (2017) 012016 |
Scopus | Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno*, Yanuar Haryanto, Gathot Heri Sudibyo | Flexural Behaviour of Precast Hollow Core Slab Using PVC Pipe and Styrofoam with Different Reinforcement | Procedia Engineering 171 (2017) 909-916 |
Scopus | Yanuar Haryanto*, Gathot Heri Sudibyo, Franissca Cynthia Angelina Effendi | Preliminary Seismic Hazard Assessment of the Oral and Dental Hospital of Jenderal Soedirman University Indonesia | Procedia Engineering 171 (2017) 1025-1034 |