Han Ay Lie

Professor of Structural and Material Engineering at Diponegoro University



The Second International Conference of Construction, Infrastructure, and Materials (ICCIM) 2021

26 July 2021

Civil Engineering Undergraduate Program of Universitas Tarumanagara will hold The Second International Conference of Construction, Infrastructure, and Materials (ICCIM) to provide the international platform for professionals of their expertise to share the information about the state of art of Civil Engineering. By having better understanding of the current state and by establishing firm collaboration with each other, Civil Engineering stakeholders will be more prepared to thrive in perpetually progressing civilization.
Link Website
Webinar Perkembangan terkini dalam Analisis, Desain, dan Rekayasa Konstruksi Bangunan

28 July 2021

Departemen Teknik Sipil Universitas Diponegoro bekerjasama dengan Midas, fib Indonesia dan HAKI (Himpunan Ahli Konstruksi Indonesia) akan menyelenggarakan webinar “Perkembangan Terkini dalam Analisis, Desain dan Rekayasa Konstruksi Bangunan” yang akan dilaksanakan pada : Hari, Tanggal : 28 Juli 2021 Waktu : 08.30 – 14.50 Tempat : Zoom Meeting
Link Pendaftaran
Han Ay Lie