Han Ay Lie

Professor of Structural and Material Engineering at Diponegoro University

Category: News

📢 Invitation: Exclusive Structural Engineering Event 2024 – Buildings & Emerging Technologies

📅 Date: October 9-10, 2024📍 Location: Siam Kempinski Hotel Bangkok, 991/9 Rama I Road, Pathum Wan, Bangkok, 10330, Thailand We are thrilled to invite you to the premier event in structural engineering of 2024! This exclusive gathering will bring together top professionals from civil and structural engineering, architecture, urban planning, and technology to explore groundbreaking

[New publication] Balancing military and humanitarian interests: Scaling the scope of autonomous weapon attacks

In a new publication, researcher Jonathan Kwik proposes a scaling methodology to help characterise attacks by autonomous weapon systems (AWS). This could provide greater clarity on the legality of such attacks under international law, benefiting both civilians and belligerents.   The new publication ‘The scope of an autonomous attack’ by Asser Institute researcher Jonathan Kwik addresses

AI dan Teknik Sipil : Transformasi Digital dan Implementasi Praktis

Di depan gedung Von Mises dan di laboratorium struktur dg Prof. Mechtcherine

Kunjungan ke TU Delft, Belanda dlm rangka kerja sama riset RPIBT dan rencana kunjungan Prof. Marc Otelle

Makan di Rumah makan Padang Lapek di Den Haag, Belanda dg Prof. Iswandi Imran dan ibu

Kunjungan ke TU Dresden Jerman, dalam rangka kerja sama riset WCRU

Jonathan Kwik menemani grup Afrika yang ikut pelatihan

Perjalanan ke icc (international criminal court)

Pre-Print Buku Jonathan Kwik : Lawfully Using Autonomous Weapon Technologies

About This Book : This monograph provides a practical and operational perspective to the question of how to lawfully employ autonomous weapon systems (AWS) from the point-of-view of the technology’s end-users: field commanders. While there is international consensus that targeting rules such as proportionality and precautions must be respected when using AWS, there is legal

Guest Lecture Pencegahan Bencana oleh Profesor dari Taiwan

Pada tanggal 23 April 2024, Departemen Teknik Sipil UNDIP menyelenggarakan Guest Lecture dalam rangka kegiatan Visiting Professor Prof. Fu-Pei Hsiao dari National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE) dan Prof. Hsuan-Teh Hu dari National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) Taiwan. Guest Lecture bertajuk ‘Bridging Futures: Exploring Disaster Prevention in Taiwan and Indonesia’ dihadiri oleh mahasiswa program sarjana

Han Ay Lie